Why Are Brake Jobs So Expensive?

This is a common refrain from our readers: why are brake jobs so expensive? What’s so special about brake jobs? Brake jobs are expensive because the scope of work is quite extensive. Secondly, all brake jobs are not expensive. Let’s discuss this in more detail.

When it comes to driving a car, working brakes are a necessity. If there is a problem with the brakes, it can be life-threatening. So, when it comes to brake jobs, you should give in and get the job done right! 

Not all brake jobs are expensive, and standard brake systems do not cost as much as luxury brakes do. So, there is always a reason why brake jobs are so expensive, and we are here to help you understand them all.

Why Are Brake Jobs So Expensive

Why Are Brake Jobs So Expensive?

Many people wonder if there is something extra special about brake jobs that makes them so expensive. To begin with, brakes are the life-giving materials in a vehicle, so they should be working well and smooth and, of course, better than other components. 

Secondly, to find the reason behind brake jobs being so expensive, you should evaluate the entire cost of a brake job. We have broken down the same for you

Full inspection of the car 

The number one step towards evaluating your car is to let an experienced and well-to-do mechanic do it. A good mechanic will advise you that not all brake parts need replacing and save you money by only replacing the worn-out components. 

It is essential to take your car to a mechanic from time to time so you can know when your brake system will wear off. Remember, brakes fail long before they wear out, so full inspection and evaluation of the brake system is reasonably necessary. 


Now that the mechanic has inspected your car, they know whether a bit of tune-up will do the job for the moment or complete overhauling of the vehicle is required. 

They will let you know the expense of brake repairing and let you decide whether you want to do it yourself or get it all done by a professional. They might also show you the defects in the system manually or via computer. 

  • Brake pads
  • Pistons 
  • Calipers
  • Sensors 
  • Brake rotors, also known as brake discs 
  • Sensors
  • Brake fluid 
  • Brake grease

The tools alone cost somewhere around $400 ( if you need them all), except for the repair or replacement. Let’s come back to the two repair options – doing it yourself or professionally.

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Do It Yourself

If you choose to do the repair and replacement by yourself, it is for the best to have a deep (not just decent) knowledge and understanding of the brake system. In this way, you can easily replace the worn-out parts of the system without needing a third party. 

The number one benefit of repairing your brake system components is that you purchase them as per your choice. Thus, you can easily ace the quality control part of the system. 

However, replacing brakes or their components isn’t as easy as changing brake liquids, and it is an integral part of the engine, which can be life-threatening if not fixed properly. Thus, it is suggested to get professional help even if you are slightly doubtful. 

Getting Professional Help

Coming to getting professional service, we suggest that it is better to spend some extra bucks on your brake system. The first step towards getting professional services for replacing the brake system is to find a suitable automobile shop. 

The good thing is that many experienced mechanics offer good brake repair/replacement services on a budget. While it might not be cheap, we can assure you that it will not be expensive, mainly if you use a standard brake system. 

Why Are Brake Jobs So Expensive

How To Find a Good Mechanic?

It is also suggested to book a shop referred by your friends or even acquaintances. It is even better if your friends or family own an auto shop. You can ask the mechanic to come to an affordable price before you finally agree on it. 

Once the price has been decided, you can choose the components that suit your brake system the best. You can either tell the mechanic to buy the details of the brand you desire, or you can accompany them to purchase the components. 

If you are not accompanying the mechanic to the shop, you can ask them about the part numbers. You can then check the price of these components online. 

Getting professional help might cost you more, but it still is a recommended choice among the two since it is also safer than doing it by yourself. 

Remember, if you are doing it by yourself, you must have an in-depth understanding of how the brake system works, plus how to replace its components for smoother working of it all. 

How Long Does My Brake System Last?

There is no definite answer to how long does break last. On average, you will notice the complications after the vehicle has been driven over 25,0000 to 65,000 miles. 

The general principle is that most car manufacturers will guarantee a life span of no less than 40,000 miles. Apart from an average life span, it all depends on the maintenance of the vehicle and how frequently the brake pads are used. 

Once the pads start wearing out, you should know that visiting your favorite mechanic or automobile shop is time.

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Is There a Way To Extend the Life of the Brake System?

No matter how much you try to maintain it, after a while, the life of a brake system will ask for some form of repair or replacement. However, you can try certain tricks and tools that can maintain your car’s brake system for a long time. We have shared these tricks and tips below – 

#1. Maintain brake fluid

Remember to change the brake fluid of your car once a year. It is also recommended to check your brake system and transmission fluid once a month or two. 

#2. Service your car regularly 

When you send your car for servicing regularly, your system is kept in check too. There is no hard and fast rule related to shipping your vehicle for servicing but depending on the rate of your driving or the region you drive; you can decide the number of times you should send your car for servicing. 

Why Are Brake Jobs So Expensive

#3. Keep the weight of your car light

The more weight you carry, the more effort it will require to stop the car. Thus, it is recommended to add less weight to your vehicle whenever possible. 

#4. Do not overwork your brakes

The best way to maintain your brake system for a long time is to avoid overworking it. For instance, do not halt your car when driving at high speed, and the jerk often overworks the brake into damage. 

Frequently Asked Questions

#1. How much should a brake job cost?

It depends on the motor shop you take your car for repair since they all charge differently. You must know that while authentic auto-shops charge reasonable prices, many are rip-offs. 

Thus, it is essential to talk to an experienced person who can guide you about the best auto-shops for brake repair. Thus, there is no definite answer for the cost of a brake job, and however, it should cost anywhere between $150 to $900, depending on the scope of work. 

#2. Why are replacing brakes so expensive?

There is no hard and fast answer to why replacing brakes is so expensive since the replacement cost of brakes varies from vehicle to vehicle. 

For example, Brembo brakes will cost a lot more than standard brakes since the former is used in luxury cars such as Porsche and Mercedes.

Replacing the brake is so expensive because it is a car’s life-giving source and is made from high-frictional material that accelerates the braking power. 

The higher the performance of brakes in a vehicle, the more they will cost. However, it is a personal preference whether you want costly replacing brakes for your car or not. If you own a Porsche or Mercedes, you need to replace your original brakes with expensive ones. 

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#3. Why are BMW brakes so expensive?

BMW brakes, including equipment and labor, will cost you somewhere between $300 to $800. BMW models have some of the best vehicle configurations in terms of engine. 

The excellent engines of BMW make it run so smoothly and faster than its contemporaries. Thus, no wonder that BMW brakes are so expensive; they play a significant role in keeping the BMW engine working better, smoother and faster than other cars. 

#4. How much is a front brake job?

Front brakes are known to cost more than the rear brake, and thus, you can expect the front brake job to cost at least $25 to $75 higher than the rear brake repair. 

Typically, a complete front brake repair shall cost you around $150 to $300 in the case of a standard vehicle and about $400 to $900, or more, in the case of luxury models like Porsche and BMW. 

Why Are Brake Jobs So Expensive

A Few Final Words

The brake system must be checked and repaired once in a while, even replaced, if needed. Make sure that you find a good mechanic to work on your brake system and keep your vehicle operating smoothly as if it’s new. Please do not shy away from spending a few bucks on your brake system, for it can save you while driving. 

Thank you for reading the article, we hope this gave you some answers to why brake jobs cost you so much money. You can ask us more questions in the comment box below.

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