Why Do My Brakes Squeal In The Morning?

When I take my car out of the garage, why do my brakes squeal in the morning? Why does it happen only in the morning and not during the day? Answers to these questions coming up below!

If you hear a squealing sound from your brakes in the morning, this could be a difficult sign for your vehicle. The majority of times, this squealing sound comes after rain or snow. Squealing brakes can also be due to surface rust present on the brakes. 

Surface rust on the brakes can be due to the scraping of the motor or the rotors. This can happen very quickly when you apply pressure on the brake pedals. You don’t need to worry if your brakes start making a squealing sound just after some application. 

But if this squealing noise persists, you should start thinking about the causes. This article will help you understand how you can deal with a squealing noise coming from your brakes in the morning. 

Why Do My Brakes Squeal In The Morning

Why Do Brakes Squeak? 

Dew or moisture on the brakes

The majority of the brakes in vehicles squeal because of the extra moisture in the air. Since most cars are left unused overnight, the water from dew, rain, or snow can easily collect on the surface of the brake rotors. 

The formation of this dew on the rotors can also leave impressions on the brake pads. Impressions on these pads can result in a unique pulsating sound or thumping noise coming out of the brakes. 

If you are lucky, then the sound of the brakes squealing can be just the brake rotors scraping off the dew collected on the brakes. 

Worn out brake pads

If not the dew, your brakes can make this squealing sound for other reasons. Worn-out brake pads, glazed brake pads, or rotors can also be some reasons for the brakes to make a noise. 

Rust in the rotors

Your brakes could also squeal or squeak because of the rust present inside the rotors. Your brakes can also make this squealing noise permanent when the brakes have sustained enough wear and tear that now they need to be replaced. 

One of the best ways of tackling rust is by using zinc plating and painting the parts. Zinc prevents rust formation on steel parts. 

Why Do My Brakes Squeal In The Morning

What Are The Consequences Of A Squeaky Brake? 

The squealing sound from the brakes is not dangerous on its own. But the things that this noise could be indicating can be very dangerous. If your brakes overheat, this noise can tell you that you are grazing at the rotors and brake pads. Grazing at the brake pads and brake rotors is not good for the longevity and functionality of the brakes. Some dust on the brake can also result in inlining by the brake pads. 

How To Fix Squealing Brakes? 

Before you set out to fix squealing brakes, you must know the root cause of the noise from your brakes. The majority of cars today use a cast-iron brake disc. This disc is present in between two brakes. The pads on the brakes have a friction material lining on them. People do not use Carbon-ceramic discs because they are quite expensive. 

If your brake is working perfectly fine, the calipers, brake pads, and other components vibrate together. The brake squealing occurs at the same frequency in all vehicles. 

Change your friction fluid

You can substitute your current friction fluid with another fluid as a quick fix to stop the squealing sound. Using a separate brake disc can also help sometimes to stop the noise. 

Car manufacturers give priority to a lot of other things when making the brakes, such as the price, durability, dust, friction, and so on. 

Why Do My Brakes Squeal In The Morning

Stick the brake pads together

You can also choose a different route to cure this squealing sound of your brakes in the morning. You can opt not to use brake fluids that cause friction in the brakes; instead, stick the brake pads together. 

Sticking the brake pads to the brake calipers will make it far larger than what it’s supposed to be. This will stop the squeaking sound in the brakes. 

Clean the brakes

Simple cleaning of the brakes can also remove the dust inside the brakes and in between its parts. That could be a part of the reason for the brakes to squeal. Regular cleaning of your brakes will also remove the dew formation in the brakes. 

Use a dehumidifier

If you still find dew accumulated in the brakes, you can use a dehumidifier in your garage. 

This dehumidifier will not let the dew form in your car. Instead, you can park your car inside the garage. You can also stop parking your car outside your home in cold or rainy weather. 


Why do my brakes squeak in the morning?

It is most likely because of the accumulation of dew or fog on the brakes.

If your brakes squeak when you first start driving in the morning, then the issue with your brakes can be related to the weather. Moisture in the air could be a major reason your brakes make this squeaking noise—the cases of a squealing brake increase exponentially during the rainy and foggy seasons. 

Because of the excess moisture in the air there can be the formation of a thin layer of rust on the brake parts such as the rotors, brake calipers, brake pads, and so on. 

Due to this, the brakes will only squeak for some time until they build up heat in themselves and get warm. The thin layer of rust will be removed when you apply the brakes a few times. 

Why Do My Brakes Squeal In The Morning

Why do my brakes squeal in the morning when it’s cold?

It could be because the brakes have frozen over.

If the temperature drops below 32°F, your car brakes can freeze. Your brakes could squeak when it’s cold as there might be some ice, or the brake rotors might freeze in the cold weather. 

Why do ceramic brake pads squeal when cold?

Because the ceramic material is cold.

A ceramic brake pad squeals when cold due to the material. This squeaking noise is only present for a short time frame, as when the rotors and brake pads get warm, they will not make any noise. 

How do I get my brakes to stop squeaking?

Grease the brakes and clean the brake pads.

You can stop the squeaking noise from your brakes by simply greasing the brakes with oil or brake fluid. You’ll need to grease the brakes, especially if they are new. As newer brakes don’t have any wear and tear, they’ll need some time to warm up. Grease will work as the factor that causes the brakes to warm up faster. 

You’ll have to remove the brake calipers and brake pads. You should apply the brakes on the backside of the brake pad and all the contact points on the calipers. You can also grease all the contact points of the brakes

Why Do My Brakes Squeal In The Morning

Why are my brakes still squeaking after I changed them?

Check the calipers, brake pads and other components.

If your brakes are still making that squealing noise even after you have changed them, you need to change other components that come with the brakes, such as the brake calipers, brake pads, etc. There might be some excessive dust between the caliper and rotor, which could create that strange squealing noise. 

Final Words

Brakes squealing in the morning can just be because of the moisture in the weather in most cases. In some cases, it could also indicate a major brake problem. In this article, you can see the potential reasons for the brakes to make such noise, along with some tips that will help you remove this noise from your brakes. 

Thank you for reading, we hope you got the answers that you were looking for. You might also like to read: Brake Pedal Makes Noise When Released and Rubbing Noise From Rear Wheel When Driving

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