It is never good to hear your car making noises, and a clunking noise is one of the worst. If you hear a clunking under gas pedal, it is best to check out what it means, and we are here to assist you with that.
One of the main complaints people have about their cars is the strange noises the vehicle starts making from time to time. No matter how experienced a driver you are, car sounds are something that is bound to catch your attention. So what to do about them?
There are a number of reasons why your car can make a sound. In this article, let us tell you what to do when your gas pedal is noisy.
Possible Reasons For Your Car Making Noise
When you hear unusual sounds from your vehicle, there can be a number of reasons that you have to look into. These sounds could mean that there is some issue going on with your vehicle’s setup to prevent permanent damage.
Here are a few sounds you should look out for:
Rubbing noises
Sometimes, you might hear a sound in your car that indicates something is rubbing against a metallic part. This happens when a component of the car is actually rubbing on another. In most cases, it is a part of the tire loosening out and rubbing with the inside.
The problem with this sound is it does internal damage over time, as it causes friction between two parts. One of these parts will affect the other and cause some sort of major problem in the vehicle.
Grinding noises
If your car is making a rough grinding noise when you start the engine or you brake, it could be a sound of an internal part wearing out. The sound can be heard like a thud when you are starting or killing the engine, driving, or pushing the brakes.
It is not a sound you should take lightly because there is a chance one of the parts might affect another and break down the whole vehicle mid-journey.
Clunking noises
The clunking sounds in a car can come from the gears or gas pedals when you are driving. The main problem that can cause this noise is the loosening of certain parts or the gears getting stuck. You can also hear the sounds from motor mounts that are coming off from the main component of the car.
No matter where or how the sound is coming from, you need to know what is causing it and get it repaired as soon as possible. The sounds cannot be the sign of something good going on internally, and delaying repairs could just mean a longer and more extensive bill.
What Is The Clunking Noise Under A Gas Pedal?
If your car is making a clunking noise, it is usually an indication of something coming loose in your vehicle. When you come across a speed bump or hit a pothole, you might hear a sound as if something is moving inside your car. There can also be a metallic clunk like the pieces inside are hitting something.
If you press your accelerator pedal and hear the sound coming, you can expect that there is a problem with the U-joint. The U-joint is known as the Universal joint – commonly known as the CV joint in modern cars – it helps the drive shaft to deliver power to the wheel and move as the car changes surfaces. If this setup becomes loose or gets damaged in some way, it can cause the sound under the gas pedal.
If you hear the clunking sounds while shifting gears or trying to go forward or in reverse, a loose engine mount could be causing the sound. There are also problems with the rubber bushings, struts, or shock absorbers. A thorough diagnosis is the only way to determine what is causing the sound in your car.
If you hear it under the brake pedal, there is probably something loose in your braking system.
What To Do About The Car Noises?
There are a few things you can do to check what is the main reason for your car making strange sounds:
- Start by popping the hood of the car and checking the engine. Check for any lost parts or anything that has worn out.
- Get another person to start the car to see where exactly the sound is coming from – check the brakes, foot pedal, steering wheel, wheel bearings, and transmission mounts.
- Once your car is set, put the car in gear and tap on the gas pedal, keeping the brakes engaged.
- Check if the engine mount is lifting off by three to five inches when you put in the acceleration. This is an indication of your front engine mount being damaged.
- Use this same technique to check the rear engine of the car.
- Once you locate the source of the sound, you will have to take the vehicle to the mechanic to get the problem solved.
Do not try to sort out the problem by yourself because there can be a chance of damaging other parts while you are trying to change the internal components. The safest option is to take the car to a professional and get the issue fixed as early as possible.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is my car making a clunking noise underneath?
When you push the gas pedal on your car or try to hit the brakes, there can be a clunking sound you can hear. In most cases, this sound occurs when the pedal or drive shift becomes loose. It is also possible to feel the pedal coming out of the main component, and it needs to be repaired.
Why do I hear a thud when I accelerate?
When there is an issue with the motor or trans mount of your car, you might hear a loud thud or thump coming from your car. When you are accelerating, there will be a strong thump that shifts the mount and make a sound.
When I step on my gas pedal I hear a noise?
If you hear a noise when you step on the gas pedal of your car, it is time to visit the mechanic. This could be a sign of your gas pedal coming off the vehicle or some kind of damage in the drive shaft. Try to identify the source of the sound and get it checked by a professional.
Is it safe to drive with a clunking noise?
It is not the safest thing to drive if you hear a clunking noise from your car. It is a sign that some part of the vehicle is coming loose and could cause damage to the other parts while in motion.
Wrap Up
No matter how little the sound is or how rare it is in the car, we suggest that you get help as soon as possible. Leaving a car making clunking sounds unattended could only mean extending your car insurance and risking a huge bill for repairs. So plan a visit to the mechanic if there is any sound out of the ordinary.
Thank you for reading!
My 2008 mountaineer clunk sound while driving and accelerating press gas pedal. Backing up vehicle.